Sons of Anarchy
An extremely successful TV series in the USA broadcasted on FX television. It is known as FX’s most viewed TV series ever, with season 3 being watched by 4.9 million viewers a week.Visit site

What client wanted was a second screen app – technology that is extremely popular among media companies today, but was only emerging back then. The problem was that there had been a team in the US working on an iOS app for several months, when the client came to us to build an Android app 4 weeks before the launch of the new season.

Based on client's requirements, the app we built provided an interactive experience, where fans could access exclusive content, Sons of Anarchy's clubhouse, shop for official merchandise, take a quiz, share and discuss episodes with other fans, as well as control their blu-ray player from the app.
Sons of Anarchy app was finished right in time for the new series launch, making happy millions of its fans worldwide, with over 500,000 downloads on the first day.